
Through all our projects in Tanzania we are committed to defend the Human Rights, especially the rights of children.

In Endulen the deaf Masai children learn the sign language and through school education they can emancipate, in stead of staying at home where these children are mostly mistreated because of their handicap.

At the MTC DOGODOGO street children are protected and rehabilitated into a normal life. a profession During their stay of 2 years at the center they learn a profession and can build themselves a better future. Younger children are sent to school outside the center, except for the nursery class, 10 children, who can go to nursery class within the center.

At SUMA, Engikaret we want to protect girls of 13-15 years from early marriage and pregnancy through education in a secondary boarding school.

We propose also a program to ‘make a donation as a gift’, a charitable act towards these marginalized children, if you are looking for an idea what to offer for an anniversary, wedding, baptism or funeral.

Construction of a primary boarding school in Endulen

Construction of a special primary boarding school for deaf children in Endulen, Ngorongoro in Tanzania. The total cost of this project amounts to 261.000 US$ or 247.860 Euros. The construction phase has been started in 2016; the teaching of the sign language started for the first 17 children in January 2017. In January 2023 there are more than 300 children at the school, 248 of them boarding and 48 of these children are deaf and 17 have a hearing problem. The campus consists of 9 classrooms, a dining hall including kitchen and store (for 400 students), two dormitories (each for 90 children) and a toilet building. 

The solar energy system is working to provide the campus with electricity, and cooking is done by biogaz.

For the time being the construction is not possible as transport of construction materials within the Conservation Area is prohibited. Your donations for this purpose are now used to buy learning tablets for the deaf unit as well as to finance the school fees for the deaf children.

The complete description can be downloaded as a pdf file


Short history: In 1993 the Congregation of the Holy Ghost Father’s opened a Vocational Training Centre (V.T.C) for the most vulnerable youths, who hails from challenging background in Tengeru – Arusha. There was a good response from the youths within Tengeru township and outside Tengeru. A good number of youths have been trained in this Centre. In this case the Centre has been established so as to minimize the growing rate of unemployment among the youths who have no skills to earn money for their life.

The Centre is now geared to provision of technical skills training in Carpentry, Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Auto electric, Welding and Metal Fabrications, Masonry and Brick Laying, Electrical Installation, Design and Sewing Technology, Computer Technology and Music. With such skills the Centre believes that its graduates can become self-reliant, since we aim at providing high quality skill training, that will enable them to graduate and so become competent, dynamic and confident entrepreneurs and qualify in labor market.

However, there have been much support from France when Frs. Joseph Mashaka, CSSp and Dyfrig Maliti, CSSp were working at the college. That’s why we are looking forward to your support.
As we are writing to you, many girls who are enrolled in our technical school end up not completing the three years course because there is no dormitory for them and majority of them lack support from their families due to lack school fees, forced early marriages and even early pregnancy.

When this dormitory is completed, it would help young girls, who are studying at our technical school, to have a good place to stay and do their studies. It would also help the management to have close monitoring of the girls, especially after normal study periods. This would benefit them, as they would be within the compound, and therefore more dedicated time for their studies. We are hoping that our request will be considered so that we can help these young girls to reach their goals.

The detailed project description can be downloaded below and you can find some photos concerning the project in our image gallery.

Support of education for marginalized children by paying their school fees

We support education of marginalized children in Tanzania at three locations:

The deaf Masaï children at the school St Luke in Endulen, Ngorongoro. The parents abandon their handicapped child at the school without contribution for costs. At the school these children are protected while boarding, they are given an education and later they are able to emancipate in their life. The school fees to be paid at St Luke are 600 € per year and per child.

The orphans and other young children who need protection at the Daniel Brottier – DOGODOGO centre in Bunju, Dar-es-Salaam. For the moment the very young children can attend the nursery class in the Daniel Brottier Kindergarten within the DOGODOGO centre, the children coming from outside pay school fees and these fees cover the salary of the maitresse. 28 children attend the primary school (in Tanzania the school system is as the English one, from 7 years old a child starts the primary school for 7 years, and then 4 + 2 years of secondary school). 16 children go to secondary school. The  school fees are 320 € in the primary school and 480 € in the secondary school per year and per child.

For the Masaï girls in the secondary boarding school to avoid early mariages and childbirths.  We can recommend support for 5 Masaï girls to attend the secondary boarding school SUMA in Engikaret.  The school fees there are 900 € per year and per girl.

Renovating of existing buildings for a school centre Daniel Brottier

Project of renovation of existing buildings to start classes of a Primary  School Danie Brottier. The project consists of cleaning and renovating existing rooms for five classes, an adminstration building as well as a dormitory building. To buy wood and accessories to manufacture benches, tables bed and cupboards by the young people of the MTC at DOGODOGO This will guaranty the sustainability of the center. The total cost of this project is estimated at 32,386 €. Please download the description of the project as pdf.

Storage of rain water for St Luke Endulen

This project consists of installation of a system to gather and store rain water at the school St Luke in Endulen. In order to assure fresh water supply for the above mentioned school we need to have fresh water at all times. The project consists of installing gutters on the roofs and lead the rain water into SIM-tanks for storage. The estimated cost for this project amounts to 16.340,- Euros.

For the time being this project has been stopped, as all transport of construction materials has been prohibited within the conservation area.

You can download the full description of this project as pdf

Old Projects

Dogodogo Biogas Project: an alternative clean energy source friendly to the environment for cooking at Dogodogo Center

To provide a sustainable opportunity for individuals and institutions like Dogodogo with livestock to reduce dependency on firewood and fossil fuels and to benefit from modern and clean energy friendly to our environment.

 To provide opportunity and knowledge to the youths currently admitted at Dogodogo and those to be admitted in the future to learn about renewable energies like biogas as well as raising their awareness on how to protect our environment by not cutting trees.

 To create a pilot project which may be used to educate people around our neighborhood notably Dar Es Salaam and its surrounding regions that clean and renewable energy is possible and that our planet can be protected and saved by such kind of project friendly to our environment.

You can download the detailed project description below and find photos about the project in the image gallery.

This project is already finished and working.

Electricity through solar energy for the school in Endulen

The first Phase of this project was finished end of June 2021 by EsF and secondary school Pierre Termier from Grenoble as well as the students of KIITEC Arusha. 

You can view some photos of this project in the Image Gallery.

Electricity through solar energy for SUMA, Engikaret

This project was finished in 2019. There are a few photos about this project in the Image Gallery.

Electricity through solar energy for the mission in Mgagao

This project was finished in 2017. you can view some photos about the project in the Image Gallery.

Gathering and storage of rain water for the Dogodogo MTC

The project was finished in 2019. Gutters and waterpipes were installed to conduct the rain water into the big water tank for watering of the vegetable garden, for showers and toilets and for washing.

You can view some photos about this project in the Image Gallery.

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