Kindergarten in the MTC Dogodogo

More and more very young children are brought to the center, some of them to be protected against sexual violence in their family, some of them are just abandoned children or orphans. It is better to have a Kindergarten within the center, rather than send the children to nursery class outside the center. The school fees payed for these children outside Kindergarten would be enough to pay a person to keep school within the Dogodogo centre.

The students of the carpenter class has produced the furniture needed for the class and the students of the tailoring class has sewed the uniforms and other things like covers and toys. The funds which have been collected are for the raw materials as well as for refreshing the interior of one class room.

The first nursery class within the Daniel Brottier School centre was opened in January 2022, with 10 children from the centre and 5 from outside. The teacher Ester, who lives close to the centre, is a nice, smiling and caring person, who is teaching, playing and singing with the small children.