At the school St Luke in Endulen the situation remains unchanged due to the delicate situation of the Masaï people. However it is possible to contribute for new beds for the boys, the dormitory is more than crowded with about 150 boys for space planned for 90 boys.
Contributing for school fees is now possible globally without the responsibility to follow one particular child, you can pay any amount for food, school materials, uniforms etc
For SUMA in Engikaret we propose the same arrangement, you can contribute for the school fees without taking the responsibility for one particular Masaï girl.
At the Centre Daniel Brottier – Dogodogo the renovation works and the new sanitary block have been finished. The new project is to complete the biogas system, which was started in February to be able to cook on gas rather than wood.
Furthermore, another project will be started to renovate 4 classrooms to start a Primary School for the children from the centre and from outside.
A new project has been accepted by the Board of PAMINA in the VTC in Tengeru, Arusha. This project consists of finishing the dormitory building for girls. The indoor works of finishing like Windows, doors, ceiling and sanitary should be done before the girls can occupy the dormitory house.